what do you need to start a homework club business

The #one question nosotros get from potential entrepreneurs is, "What are all the things I need to exercise to open and create a successful gym?"

Our consulting team has worked with numerous people to outset their own profitable gyms, health clubs, and studios.

Fifty-fifty if our clients take industry cognition and experience as a personal trainer or group fitness instructor, there are many areas they don't fully understand when launching a new fitness enterprise.

To reply their many questions, we adult a "Start-Upwards Checklist" that we use when helping others plough their dreams into a reality. Enter your proper name then email address below to go information technology. It is meant to be used alongside this article to help go along your project on track.

This article will walk you through nearly of the tasks you'll need to undertake when opening a gym. With each task there is a short description.

Since the listing is so long, we've broken it upwards into chapters. Click on any affiliate to spring to that section. Many of the tasks will need to be done simultaneously.


Chapter 2:    LEGAL

Affiliate iii:    Financial

Chapter 4:    LOCATION/SITE Selection


Chapter six:    Blueprint & BUILD-OUT




CHAPTER x:  Programme & SERVICES



gym business plan Start-Upwards Chore #one:  Acquit a Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is a comprehensive analysis of a business idea's viability and helps respond the essential question, "should I/we proceed with the proposed project?".

Our feasibility studies define the service offerings, target customer groups, primary and secondary market place size, and overall market potential.

In addition, they provide a competitive and concern climate analysis and analyze the fiscal margin potential through the development of a realistic financial model.

Given the knowledge needed to consummate a feasibility analysis, information technology is often benign to work with an expert to accurately assess your business concept before sinking time, money, and endeavour into something that may non have a positive return.

You tin acquire more about our feasibility studies here.

Starting time-Up Task #2:  Write a Business Plan

A well thought-out business plan is a roadmap that takes you from idea to profitable company. It outlines goals and provides you with financial projections and turn-by-turn directions to accomplish them.

This document will assist you lot in procuring funding as well equally a location, every bit prospective landlords desire to make sure your business concern will exist around long-term.

If you lot started with a feasibility study, almost of the information in it tin be used in your business program.

For more than on how to write a bang-up business plan, check out our previous post.

Beginning-Upwardly Job #2a: Determine Your Business Profile and Concept

What is the underlying concept of the business organization, i.e. what problems does it solve for potential customers and what are its objectives?

Outset-Upwardly Job #2b: Complete Your Market Research and Analysis

Research and analyze manufacture trends, location benefits, the contest, the demographics of your primary and secondary markets, and make up one's mind your customer profile and the market segments yous'll exist targeting.

Get-go-Upward Task #2c: Develop Pricing Models, Sales Forecasts, and Marketing/Sales Strategies

Create your membership and service pricing models in society to forecast your sales over the next v years.

Take into consideration yous should accept a ramp up menstruation and include seasonality. Sales are stronger in some months (similar Jan) and slower in others (such as summer).

An outline of potential marketing strategies should be in place for acquiring leads as well as sales processes for turning those prospects into customers.

Cheque out our blog, 9 Strategies for Marketing a Gym for some marketing tactics to use.

Start-Up Job #2d:  Outline Product and Service Offerings

Determining your mix of revenue and not-revenue products and services y'all'll offer is a critical component of defining your business organisation.

In addition, detail the blazon of service surroundings y'all desire to create for your customers.

These areas volition have a large bear upon on if you tin can eventually meet your financial goals.

Beginning-Upward Task #2e:  Envision the Facility and Equipment Needs

Draw the facility's cardinal characteristics:

  • size
  • number of studios
  • atmosphere
  • location benefits
  • etc

Y'all should also include an equipment listing and your criteria for choosing among the myriad of options.

Outset-Upward Task #2f:  Determine the Staffing Construction

Provide an organizational chart including the number of staff in each position, direction profile, staff profile, and compensation and benefits plans.

Start-Up Task #2g:  Describe the Ownership and Investor Structure

Describe the legal structure of the business, how much equity investors will have, what their return on investment will be, and how they can exit the business if necessary.

Start-Up Job #2h: Complete the Financial Projections

One of the most important documents is the financial summary followed by detailed five-year projections based on best, expected, and worst-example scenarios.

This will include:

  • industry benchmarks and ratio comparisons
  • income statements
  • balance sheets
  • start-upward costs
  • debt
  • deferred revenue
  • staffing hourly projections
  • payroll projections
  • cash flow statements

Make sure to define your assumptions and take into account membership and revenue generating service ramp-up likewise as staff compensation projections.

Nosotros developed the IHRSA Financial Management Tool (FMT) to assistance fettle entrepreneurs with the tough task of creating projections and monitoring fiscal functioning.

The FMT provides customized, interconnected spreadsheet capabilities that enable the development of financial projects from the ground upwards.

The final production makes an impressive presentation and provides potential loan officers and investors with the information they demand to decide to invest in your business.

Additionally, it can exist used for comprehensive financial planning and management after you open your facility.

Start-Up Job #2i: Create an Appendix

Your appendix should include a variety of documents that support the remainder of the programme including management team resumes, task descriptions, maps, demographic specifics, facility architectural plans, marketing programme specifics by month, and any other relevant supporting certificate.

Start-Up Chore #2j:  Write the Executive Summary

Although the Executive Summary appears at the forepart of the certificate, it is the last part of the document yous should write.

Y'all'll want to summarize the primal elements of your plan. Keep in mind, about investors or loan officers won't read beyond the Executive Summary unless you lot brand information technology compelling.


legal factors for a health club start up

Start-Up Chore #iii: Set up the Company'due south Legal Construction

If your gym is non going to be function of an existing visitor, you'll demand to decide the all-time legal construction for your business.

About common structures are:

  1. Sole proprietorship
  2. Partnership
  3. S corporation
  4. C corporation
  5. Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Each structure has advantages and disadvantages with regard to taxes, personal liability, transferability, admission of new owners, and investor expectations.

Do your enquiry and check with a lawyer to determine which is the best structure for your gym.

Offset-Upwardly Task #four: Get an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

If your business is anything but a sole proprietorship, you'll demand to become an EIN, otherwise known as a Federal Taxpayer ID number.

An EIN is a nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to identify taxpayers who are required to file business organisation revenue enhancement returns.

You lot can apply online for an IRS EIN.

Start-Up Task #v:  Research State and Local Wellness Club Laws

Most states have specific statutes and regulations specifically for fitness related facilities.

These tin can include requirements regarding AEDs, member contracts, cancellation policies, and more.

Knowing the land and local requirements is crucial for avoiding fines or lawsuits.

Outset-Upwardly Task #half-dozen:  Register for Country and Local Licenses and Permits

The licenses and permits y'all'll demand from Land and local authorities will depend on the specifics of your concern and its location.

To avoid expensive penalties, check in with State and local government agencies to find out what licenses and permits are needed to operate a health order.

Chapter 3: FINANCIAL

gym funding process

Start-Up Chore #seven: Make up one's mind How to Fund Your Offset-up

If your business organization is not self-funded, you will accept to heighten capital through either a loan, attracting investors, or a combination of the two.

With a loan, likewise known every bit debt financing, you don't surrender any ownership. Even so, you'll demand to pay back the money with interest over time.

If you lot decide to get investors (also called equity financing), you will surrender some ownership of the business concern depending on how much you enhance and the specific terms of the deal.

Start-Upwardly Job #8:  Acquire the Needed Funding

Armed with a solid business plan, the next step is to nowadays your business idea to those who tin can provide the upper-case letter.

For a loan, cheque out the Small Business Administration and numerous banks.

If you're looking for investors, use your network and tap into sites like startups.co, crowd funding sites, social networking sites similar LinkedIn, and diverse affections investor networks.

Commencement-Up Task #9:  Fix Banking company Accounts

This is pretty self-explanatory. If you're going to own and operate a business, you'll need a business banking company account.


gym location

Kickoff-Up Task #10:  Find a Location

Pivot downwards your location and make sure the site yous have selected fits the majority of the key characteristics you lot were hoping for.

Start-Up Task #11:  Ostend Zoning Regulations

Make sure the site you lot have selected is zoned for a gym. You don't want to commit to a infinite and find out the site cannot house your particular business.

If the site is not zoned for a fettle centre, you may exist able to go in front of a zoning board and get the zoning adjusted and the club approved.

Start-Up Task #12: Purchase the Property or Negotiate and Sign a Lease

Close on the purchase or lease of your location.

Affiliate 5: INSURANCE

insurance for your gym

Start-Up Task #13:  Identify Insurance Options

Hither are some full general guidelines for the insurance policies you lot should consider carrying.

General Liability

Industry standard is $1 meg limit per occurrence with a $2 million to $iii million aggregate (total limit for all liability claims). Yet, some landlords and franchise companies crave more.

If everyone who works for yous is classified as an employee, business organization' liability insurance and worker's bounty policies volition cover them.

If they are classified every bit contained contractors, they'll demand to deport their own insurance. Make sure to get a copy of their certificates of insurance yearly.

Workers' Compensation

Workers' Comp provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees who go hurt on the job.

In almost instances, they also protect employers from beingness sued past employees who become injured while working.

Each state has its own Workers' Comp regulations and statutes, then brand sure you become familiar with the particular rules in your state.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

EPLI covers you in the event that an employee sues, which is not covered nether your general liability insurance.

Premiums are based on the number of staff you use, the number of claims against the business, and the location of the business.

Property Insurance

Property insurance is vital in case of a fire or other event resulting in property loss.

Brand sure the business is insured for at least xc% of the full replacement of the facility and its contents. If it'due south not and suffers a loss, the insurance company may simply partially cover you.

Loss of Income

If a disaster such as burn, inundation, or other natural disaster strikes and forces you to close for a period of time, loss of income insurance will assistance you pay the bills during a menses of restoration.

Affiliate 6: Pattern & BUILD-OUT

fitness center design

Start-Upwards Task #14:  Select an Architect

We recommend choosing an architect who has feel designing and building fitness facilities.

Architects with wellness clubs in their portfolio are going to better understand details specific to gyms similar all-time surface and flooring options, space allocations, number of lockers needed, HVAC particulars, and more.

Start-Up Job #15:  Develop Architectural Plans

Your builder volition develop plans based on your vision and budget.

Start-Upward Task #16:  Have Architectural Renderings Created

An architectural rendering is of import for pre-sales when the guild is non fully built-out. It provides an overview of the layout and design which will give your sales people something to testify prospective members.

Start-Up Job #17:  Select a General Contractor

Your builder will probably have some construction house recommendations. Once more, it is beneficial if the contractor has feel in the fitness world.

Start-Up Task #xviii: Obtain Structure Permits

Your general contractor should be the one to apply for the necessary permits needed to build-out the infinite.

Start-Up Task #nineteen:  Build-out the Space

Keep in mind, even well-idea out plans can come across unexpected difficulties and delays. Build-out often takes longer and costs more than you expect, only it's heady to watch everything come together as yous realize your vision for the infinite.

Kickoff-Upward Task #20:  Research and Order Equipment

At that place are numerous choices when it comes to equipment, and so make certain to exercise your homework. You'll need to consider diverse fettle equipment, TVs and sound systems, and equipment needs for addition services such as massage.

Talk to equipment vendors, go quotes, look at reviews online, consider future maintenance costs, and decide whether you're going to buy or lease.

Start-Up Job #21: Research and Order Lockers and Furnishings

Lockers can take a while to become so don't wait too long to social club them. Locker room benches, part desks and chairs, and other antechamber and locker room furnishings volition need to be ordered as well.

Affiliate seven: STAFFING

health club staffing

Beginning-Up Job #22:  Decide the Details of Your Staffing Plan

Your concern programme should already accept a general overview of the following:

  • organizational structure
  • management and staff profiles
  • general compensation and benefits structures

The adjacent step is to add details to the above by including things like bounty structures and exactly how many people yous will need to hire.

Developing compensation structures for each job can be complicated. For instance, acquirement-producing employees similar personal trainers and membership advisors should have a pay structure that includes base pay plus commissions and bonuses. Non-revenue producing employees such every bit front desk-bound and housekeeping staff may go paid an hourly rate.

Earlier you first recruiting, figure out how many people who need to rent per position. Have into consideration the number of hours the club will be open up each day as well as how many shifts will need to be filled.

Finally, don't forget to make up one's mind the specifics of the benefits plan including who will be eligible and what benefits will be bachelor.

Beginning-Up Task #23: Write Job Descriptions

Create job descriptions for each job function inside your club.

Task descriptions are documents that clearly communicate expectations, job duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and skills necessary for successful performance in a item office.

Outset-Up Task #24: Recruit Your Team

After planning out your staff requirements and bounty/benefits programme, you can showtime recruiting.

Recruiting is a multi-pace process and includes:

  • creating job postings
  • networking
  • listing on chore sites
  • reviewing resumes
  • interviewing candidates
  • setting up and completing grouping fettle teacher tryouts
  • completing reference and background checks
  • developing offer letters

Job postings are unlike from chore descriptions. A job posting is designed to get people interested in the position, while a job description details the specifics of the role.

Our article Recruit Fitness Club Top Talent with a Great Job Posting covers this topic in more item.

Once offer letters take been signed, new staff volition need to complete an I9, likewise every bit a W4 if they are employees or a W9 if they are outside contractors.

Outset-Upwards Chore #25: Determine Hour Polices and Create an Employee Transmission

Employee manuals are necessary to protect the business from litigation and spell out the company's man resources policies. Certain policies need to exist included based on local, state and Federal law.

The U.Southward. Section of Labor's website, world wide web.dol.gov, provides information on Federal laws that touch the workplace. For local and state laws, check their corresponding websites.

An splendid article about employee handbooks tin exist constitute here: What to Include in an Employee Handbook.

Showtime-Upwards Chore #26:  Create Employee On-boarding Training

An effective on-boarding process gives your staff the best risk to perform at their highest level also equally improve employee memory.

Create an opportunity for them to be engaged and contributing team members past making certain your new employees know what tasks to practise and how to accomplish them.

Use on-boarding checklists and processes that include company-wide information and railroad train employees  for their job specifics besides as on company-wide policies and procedures.

Start-Up Chore #27:  Choose a Payroll Visitor

The most efficient and effective mode to handle payroll and its associated taxes is to hire a visitor that does the post-obit:

  • collect wage and hourly data
  • calculate gross wages
  • decrease withholdings and deductions
  • impress checks
  • make direct deposits
  • fix employment taxation filings

Due southtart-Upwardly Task #28: Gild Uniforms, Nametags, & Business Cards

Staff should wear uniforms and nametags in order to facilitate a professional operation and cracking customer service for your members and guests.

In addition, business organisation cards should be printed for certain staff members such every bit managers, membership advisors, personal trainers, massage therapists, and other professionals who volition be delivering services.


gym marketing

Offset-Up Task #29:  Create a Marketing Plan

Here is where you expand on the marketing department of your business programme and put together a detailed marketing program for your gym or studio.

A proficient marketing plan volition provide a roadmap for developing leads and acquiring customers.

You can read 9 Keys to Marketing a Gym for more information on strategies and tactics to build your business concern.

Start-Up Task #xxx: Identify Your Target Market

Determining who your ideal members are enables yous to create outreach tactics that resonate with them.

Start-Up Chore #31: Research Your Competition

Knowing what your competition offers allows you lot to differentiate your business organization and price your products and services strategically.

Start-Upwardly Task #32: Create a Unique Selling Proposition

Design branding and marketing messaging that communicates who y'all are to potential customers and distinguishes your business organization from other fitness clubs in the surface area.

Beginning-Up Task #33: Determine Pricing and Expiration Dates

Your pricing is informed past both your positioning and branding, besides as the price of your competitors in the area.

If you will sell services and programs via packages, assign an expiration date to each package. The bigger the package, the longer people should have to apply it.

For case, a 5 pack of personal training may have an expiration engagement of ane month whereas a 20 pack might expire in half-dozen months.

Start-Up Task #34: Create a Marketing Upkeep

Determine how much you lot tin can afford to spend on promoting your business by edifice a month-to-month budget and itemizing spending per marketing tactic.

Track return on advertizement spend (ROAS) for each strategy likewise so you can accommodate your marketing dollars into the highest performing channels.

Start-Up Job #35: Produce Marketing Materials and Signage

In order to finer market your wellness club'south products and services, yous volition demand:

  • a logo
  • a well-designed, mobile-friendly website
  • business organisation cards
  • membership and service rate cards
  • other collateral

In addition, y'all'll need to decide what signage will be needed for pre-sale and post-launch.

Consider that outdoor signage may demand to be canonical by your locality which can frequently accept a considerable corporeality of time.

Start-Up Task #36: Create Promotional Offers

Develop a promotional schedule from pre-auction to the commencement few months of operations later on launch.

In order to incentivize people to sign up, employ a time limit on your promotions and run them for two weeks to a month. If you have enrollment fees, base of operations your promotions on discounting those rather than your ante.

Every bit part of your promotions, you can likewise give away a free month of dues, personal preparation, or social club cash that members tin use to make club purchases.

When running a pre-auction, the initial membership offers  should exist the best, with increasing prices over several promotions until you become to opening day. This creates an incentive for prospects to join early and not wait until you open.

Finally, utilize member referral campaigns to get your new members selling your order. Discussion-of-oral fissure and social proof are extremely powerful marketing concepts.

Start-Upward Task #37: Develop Marketing Strategies

Spreading the word effectively about your club requires a multi-prong approach. Focus on the following potential marketing areas:

  • website search engine optimization (SEO)
  • online advert via channels similar Facebook, Instagram, and Google AdWords
  • social media
  • email campaigns
  • radio and TV spots (if it makes sense for your market and business organisation)
  • public relations
  • hosting and participating in local events
  • building partnerships with medical providers and local businesses

Kickoff-Up Task #38:  Institute Goals and Rails Results

Establishing goals and tracking results is essential to knowing what is working and generating a positive ROI on your money.

Don't be afraid to experiment, but keep most of your ad spend to proven channels for your concern.

Affiliate 9:  SALES

how to sell gym memberships

Commencement-Up Task #39:  Create a Membership Contract

Creating a solid membership contract takes time. You may go through multiple iterations before you have a certificate that protects your business concern. As this is a legal document, you may want to have a lawyer review it.

Y'all can utilize newspaper contracts, but nosotros recommend going the digital road. All good social club direction software has the capability for digital contracts and forms.

Make sure to check state wellness club laws to verify specifics of what needs to be included legally in the contract.

Beneath are suggested categories to include in a membership contract.

  • Personal contact information
  • Emergency contact information
  • Billing information and authorisation
  • Rules and Regulation Agreements
  • Consumer's correct and additional rights to cancel
  • Membership regulations and policies
  • Initiation, monthly dues, and other fee information
  • Plan and service policies
  • Freeze policy
  • Risk, conduct, and waiver of liability
  • Buyer's indemnity
  • Property loss and harm
  • Locker use
  • Alter in facilities, classes, and operating hour policies
  • Interruption of service policies
  • Changes to order policies, rules, and regulations
  • Member acknowledgement and agreement to contract terms and conditions
  • Member signature and appointment

Start-Upwardly Task #40:  Cull Your Gild Management Software

Don't beginning your pre-sale without software to manage your gym!

Your choice of gild management arrangement will exist one of the virtually important decisions you brand. It will directly impact your ability to sell memberships, manage prospects and members, and how well you lot tin manage your solar day-to-twenty-four hour period operations.

Ideally, you desire a software system that is able to practise the following:

  • Track leads
  • Feed leads in from web forms and social media
  • Capture prospect information and waivers digitally
  • Schedule and automate follow-up tasks
  • Personally communicate with leads
  • Schedule and automate communication with leads
  • Track sales operation and mensurate render on marketing dollars spent

Get-go-Up Task #41:  Set Upwards Pre-sale Site

Selling memberships before yous officially open up is critical to the success of your fettle center. The quicker you lot can sell memberships, the quicker your enterprise tin can become profitable.

To do this, set up a physical location to conduct pre-sale activities.

You should have the following available for your staff in order to maximize success:

  • technology – computers, phones, tablets, etc
  • club direction software
  • poster size architectural renderings of the club
  • tables and chairs for your sales teams and potential customers

Get-go-Upwardly Job #42: Develop and Use a Guest Intake Class

Success in sales starts with capturing your atomic number 82's contact data and inbound that info into a database.

Staff should be trained to have all prospective members that arrive in-person to complete a invitee class.

Your guest form should include the following:

  1. proper name
  2. telephone number
  3. email
  4. how they heard near the club
  5. what services/classes they are interested in
  6. if they have been a fellow member at a gym previously

Once you open up the lodge, include a liability waiver as well so you are covered in example they get injured.

Your sales team can also apply the guest intake class for telephone inquiries. If in that location is an email or web lead, your sales team should automatically get their contact information.

Guest intake forms should exist digital and easily completed on a tablet. Prospect information will automatically exist entered into your lead database, bold you lot connect the forms directly to your software.

If yous don't use a digital form, Brand Certain ALL PROSPECT INFORMATION IS ENTERED INTO THE DATABASE on the same day it is obtained.

Start-up Chore #43:  Develop a Sales Funnel Organisation and Provide Sales Training

It'due south all-time to think of selling a membership equally a process that looks like this:

  1. inquiry from pb
  2. ready an appointment
  3. conduct a needs cess
  4. give a bout
  5. overcome objections
  6. present prices
  7. close the auction
  8. book a complimentary engagement with a trainer

And if the sale isn't closed on the first visit, it's important to schedule them for a follow-up visit, call, or get them on your email list.

Your squad volition need sales grooming in order to learn your management software and finer run a sales process. You should teach staff how to build rapport, what qualifying questions to ask, how to give a bout, how to handle objections, and how to properly close the sale.

Scripts and templates should be developed as guides for your team to handle common questions and situations. Continuous coaching and feedback, as well as office-playing and discussions, will help your employees grow their skills and ultimately close more than business.

Beginning-Upwards Chore #44:  Develop Sales Guidelines

Sales guidelines should clearly define:

  • when a sale is considered complete
  • when commissions are paid
  • who gets credit for the sale if more than one staff person deals with a lead
  • how leads will be distributed

Why is it important to develop clearly articulated sales guidelines? Without them, confusion can arise, leading to staff dissatisfaction and sales squad turnover.

Get-go-Upwardly Task #45: Develop Sales Goals

Both squad and individual membership and program sales goals need to be set and expectations communicated to staff.

Membership sales goals should be in units, while your plan sales goals will be in acquirement dollars.

The compensation structure you lot create for your Membership Advisors volition incentivize them to hit individual and team goals. We highly recommend that in addition to an hourly rate or salary, the sales team's compensation is tied to functioning in the form of commissions and/or bonuses.

Start-Upwards Job #46: Develop Action Plans

Each fellow member of your sales squad should develop and execute daily, weekly and monthly activity plans that outline their goals and the activities to get them there.

Rails outreach, networking, and prospect follow-up in addition to actual results for number of appointments set and shown, tours, sales, and other relevant metrics.

Start-Up Chore #47: Rail Results

Tracking goals and sharing team results is crucial.

In addition to memberships sold, your sales team needs to track the number of coincident service packages sold, inquiries, appointments set and showed, tours, and conversion rates.


health club programs and services

Start-Up Job #48: Determine Program/Service Offerings

One of the more than fun parts of starting a gym is selecting what programs and services your club will offer.

Your offerings volition depend on the size, layout, and amenities of your facility. Refer dorsum to your business concern program for a starting point of services, but you and your managers may need to trim it downward as yous develop the programming details and protocols.

Hither are some plan and service examples:


  • New Member Fitness Appointments (critical for member retention and if your club will offer personal training)
  • Personal Training
  • Modest Grouping Training
  • Group Fettle Classes (strength, cardio, yoga, spinning, battle, martial arts)
  • Pilates (grouping classes and reformers i-on-i and groups)

Nutrition/Weight Loss


  • Swim lessons (individual and group)
  • Swim teams
  • Developed masters pond


  • Babysitting
  • Afterschool
  • Camps (holiday, summer, and sports specific)
  • Birthday parties
  • Kids specific classes (i.e. yoga, martial arts, gymnastics, trip the light fantastic toe, music, sports specific)


  • Leagues
  • Camps
  • Tournaments

Tennis, Squash, Racquetball

  • Leagues
  • Lessons (private and grouping)
  • Clinics
  • Tournaments

Health & Health

  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Concrete Therapy

First-Up Task #49: Determine Pricing

Often group fitness classes and new member fitness orientations are included in the membership fee, but for any programs not in the base package, you volition need to cost accordingly based on your market, competition, and positioning.

Programs and services can be sold as packages or as 1-shot deals.

An optional auto-renew is a keen tool to implement in your order. When a fellow member'southward bundle is completed, it will automatically renew.

You lot may accept to give members an incentive to enroll by slightly discounting these sessions, simply information technology's worth it. Not only does it keep members engaged and convalesce the need to keep re-selling, but it besides aids in projecting programme revenues.

Beginning-Upward Job #50: Develop Programme and Service Protocols

Protocols for your programs and services will need to be created.

As an example, if you offering new members complimentary fitness appointments or PT sessions, you lot will need to answer questions like:

  • volition there be a standard protocol for your fettle staff to follow in delivering this service?
  • will there be specific fitness assessment tests?
  • what questions will they inquire new members regarding their wellness?
  • should they introduce themselves to new members prior to their appointment and tell them what to expect?
  • volition you trainers follow up within a certain time menstruation to review the date?
  • how will they track results from personal preparation sessions?

Starting time-Up Chore #51: Develop Sales and Participation Goals

Monthly and yearly sales goals will assistance you maximize revenue from your programs and services.

Train your team on how to sell and offer ongoing support and feedback. Also, make sure they have a clear agreement of their goals and a plan if they aren't hitting them. Their activity plans outline the activities and strategies staff should use in order to reach their numbers.

For whatsoever programs or services that don't generate revenue, such as group fettle classes or new member complimentary fettle sessions, you should have clear participation goals and track results. Fifty-fifty if it doesn't directly generate revenue, it is all the same an important function of the concern, and yous want to ensure it is on track.

Start-Up Task #52:  Determine Sign-upward and Sales Procedures

Staff and members will need to be educated on how to purchase or sign upwardly for various programs and services.

You volition too demand to wrestle with questions like:

  • Will people have the ability to purchase through an app or online, or will a staff person have to assistance them?
  • If you run group fitness classes, volition you lot limit attendance and will members need to sign up in advance?
  • If so, what does the fourth dimension frame look like?

Southtart-Up Task #53: Runway Sales and Participation Results

Similar to your marketing and membership sales, you'll need a organisation for tracking program sales and participation results against goals.


fitness center operations

First-Upward Job #54: Determine Software Needs

Society Management Software

If y'all oasis't already completed job #40, you will need to evaluate and cull a gild management software.

Your CMS will have a big impact on your ability to manage and monitor your business efficiently. Await for packages that include:

  • leads and member data management
  • program and class scheduling
  • billing and other accounting functions
  • staff timekeeping and payroll
  • automation of marketing campaigns

The a custom report role is disquisitional. All packages have specific reports programmed into the software, but situations volition arise where you will want the power to create unique reports.

Test the software prior to investing in it by registering for a free trial.

Some features we highly recommend:

  • hosted in the deject
  • integrates with social media and accounting software
  • tin apply paperless contracts and forms
  • has a mobile app

Another key consideration is the customer support provided (ideally 24/vii) and training resources to help y'all successfully implement the software into your business organization.

General Operations

We recommend Microsoft Part Suite or Google's G Suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, and scheduling functions.

Financial Direction

Most small and medium size businesses use QuickBooks for all their accounting needs. Their software offers a number of cloud-based options as well equally web-based features.

Start-Upwardly Job #55: Determine Other Technology Needs


Y'all'll need:

  • computers
  • printers
  • credit card readers
  • signature pads
  • phones
  • cameras
  • tablets
  • a server
  • scanner
  • copier

Computer Network

Connect your computers, tablets, and phones on 1 central network so you can easily share printers, files, and cyberspace.

Engineering science Back up

If you are not tech savvy, you may desire to invest in a company that can handle your club's support needs.

When something breaks, you will want to be back up and running equally speedily as possible.

In improver, a tech support company can guide in hardware/software purchases and set up your network.

First-Up Task #56: Develop Program and Service Scheduling

Group Fitness Classes

For pop classes where space is express, yous should require members to sign up in advance. This process has the added benefit of making information technology easy to track participation levels, which helps yous make better decisions around what classes to offering.

It'due south okay to make classes first-come, first-serve or make half of the slots available in advance while the rest remain open up.

If a course requires an advanced sign-upwardly, ensure that but those who scheduled are immune in. In improver, if the class is open up to anyone, yous should still take a method to capture participation rates.

Your order management software should have the capability of online and app sign-ups. The software should also be able to create a waitlist, notify those on the waitlist if a infinite becomes bachelor, and permit members to abolish within a specified corporeality of time in advance.

Service Scheduling

Personal training, small-scale grouping training, massage, lessons, and similar services volition need to be scheduled in advance.

Hither are some considerations for service scheduling:

  • Will members be able to sign-up online or via an app or will they take to sign-upwards via the front desk or staff member providing the service?
  • Nearly clubs accept a 24-hour counterfoil policy. Will that be the policy for your social club?
  • If members are signing up for a paid service, do they need to pay for the service before they can schedule information technology?
  • Will members need to authorize via a signature that they have read and agreed to policies pertaining to a service earlier they tin can schedule information technology? If and so, what are those policies? Policies include cancellation, right to a refund, and packet expiration dates.
  • How volition appointments be confirmed (text, email, telephone) and how far in advance?
  • How can appointments be cancelled? Do they demand to notify the service provider via electronic mail, call the front desk-bound, or can members abolish them online or via the app?

Kickoff-Upward Task #57:  Create Emergency Procedures

Your team will need to exist able to handle medical and facility emergencies with or without managers present. You'll need emergency procedures for injuries and medical incidents, theft, burn, natural disasters, and power outages.

Here are the primal tasks associated with developing rubber emergency procedures:

  • Create specific emergency procedures and protocols for each type of incident
  • Provide training to staff
  • Run emergency drills monthly
  • Take the emergency supplies you need on hand at all times
  • Make sure incident reports are completed in particular
  • Follow-upward with affected members, guests, and staff the side by side 24-hour interval

Many states require a functioning AED on site and even if it isn't the law, you should strongly consider having one.

As part of your monthly emergency drills, confirm the AED is working and y'all have all necessary AED supplies. In addition, you'll need general first aid supplies like ring-aides, gauze, water ice packs, and flashlights in case all the lights go out.

Everyone you lot utilize should exist prepared to handle an emergency in case of an injury or life threatening situation. Staff should be CPR/AED certified and those certifications demand to be kept up to date. Even though you may think a front desk associate doesn't need the certification, recall again…what if a front desk associate is the only one on site in the early morning hours or before closing and at that place is an emergency?

For every emergency where someone is injured, an incident report should be completed. Incident reports should incorporate as much detail as possible including date, time of incident, name and contact data of the injured person, who witnessed the incident, a detailed description of what happened and the steps that were taken, and the name and signature of the person who handled the incident.

Offset-Up Task #58: Develop Front Desk Policies and Procedures

The front desk will exist your customer service hub. Your front desk staff needs to know how to greet members and guests, check people in and answer the telephone, how to complete sales transactions, answer questions about everything under the sun, handle complaints, open up and close the register, make it bear on with employees and vendors, and more.

In order for members and guests to have a great experience, your front desk-bound squad will need strong policy and procedures preparation. It'south disquisitional to accept a Front Desk Manual they can refer to with instructions for common situations.

You'll likely have multiple front end desk team members working a variety of shifts, so it is important to establish constructive communication systems for your staff and managers. We recommend having a communication book they can initial when they've read entries as well as a "shift report" in which any issue that needs follow-up is recorded.

Different tasks will likely demand to be completed during unlike times of the twenty-four hour period. Divide your front desk checklist into opening, afternoon, and evening shifts and then team members are doing what is expected of them.

First-Up Chore #59: Blueprint Member Policies and Information

In guild to create an environment where members can obtain their fettle goals, get the most of out of their memberships, and enjoy their experience in comfort and safety, you should design member policies that spell out specifics and provide detailed information about membership and club utilise.

Below is a list of suggested policies. Fitness policies are included, simply if you run other programs and services, you'll want policies for those too.

You should accept these policies in writing, merely you don't need them on newspaper. You tin can accept a folio on your website that outlines them in particular.

General Fellow member Policies

  • Hours
  • Check-in
  • Guest
  • Refund
  • Special Events
  • Holiday
  • Inclement weather
  • Renovations/Maintenance
  • Locker usage
  • Lost and damaged items
  • Cell telephone usage
  • SMS
  • Foot Wear
  • Conduct and behavior

Fitness Policies

  • Personal Preparation / Small-scale Group Training (payment, cancellation, refund)
  • Medical clearances
  • Class scheduling and ticketing
  • Equipment usage
  • Expiration dates

Billing Policies

  • Membership billing procedures
  • Membership cancellation
  • Membership freezes
  • Price increases
  • Past due balances
  • Programme/Service auto-pay
  • Change of information

Start-Up Task #60: Create Member Agreements, Forms, and Other Collateral

Afterward developing your club'due south policy details, you'll demand to design the forms, agreements, and collateral materials that keep with those policies.

Non every policy needs its own course, but many will.

Many of these agreements and forms can exist digitalized and automatically included in a member'south digital file to minimize paperwork.

Sales and Marketing

  • Membership Agreement
  • Locker Rental Agreement
  • Guest Sign-In
  • Service Agreements (personal grooming, small group preparation, lessons, etc.)
  • Rate Cards (membership, programs, and services)
  • Trial membership cards
  • Prospect Needs Assessment


  • Business Cards
  • Appointment Reminder Cards

Member Updates

  • Counterfoil Course
  • Freeze Form
  • Fellow member Business relationship Alter/Update Form (address, contact info, billing)


  • Fitness evaluation
  • Health History (PARQ)
  • Conditioning Cards
  • Personal Training Log


  • Intake form


  • Incident Report

Start-Up Task #61: Develop Facility and Equipment Repair/Maintenance Procedures

Keeping your facility and equipment operating smoothly will positively impact member satisfaction and retentivity and ensure the facility systems and fitness equipment take long lifespans.

Decide whether staff have the ability to repair and maintain your equipment and make facility repairs. If yous don't want to accept staff in-business firm for that work, you'll demand to identify outside vendors who can and set up preventative maintenance contracts for equipment and facility systems similar HVAC.

Nosotros recommend numbering all your fettle machines and so it's easy to track service complaints, repairs, maintenance, and usage.

You'll also desire to rail facility repairs and maintenance so yous take a clear agreement of whether your vendors are responsible and delivering a quality service.

Inquire your general contractor to supply yous with a list of everything in the facility that may need to be replaced regularly, such as light bulbs and filters, and get the listing of paint colors to make information technology easier to lucifer colors in the futurity.

Buy a general tool kit to have on-site. You'll need information technology!

Get-go-Up Chore #62: Blueprint Cleaning Procedures and Checklists

Cleanliness has a huge bear upon on member retention. Some clubs hire outside cleaning companies while others employ their own cleaning staff.

No thing which way you lot decide to go, create a housekeeping shift schedule and daily checklists to go on with those shifts.

Determine who is responsible for keeping the fitness equipment clean. This volition either be your cleaning crew or your fitness team. Having a checklist of equipment cleaning tasks volition help to ensure the equipment is cleaned regularly.

Finally, identify a cleaning supply vendor and order all the tools and supplies y'all'll need including vacuum cleaners, buckets, mops, sponges and window, tile and floor cleaners.

Offset-Up Task #63:  Create Financial Direction Systems

Setting upward adept financial management systems is critical to managing your cash flow and overall business organisation.

Whether you practice information technology yourself, hire a bookkeeper, accountant, or financial management business firm, hither are the systems you'll need:

  • Daily bookkeeping (input receipts, set and complete bank deposits)
  • Accounts Receivable (monthly billing process, bad debt follow-up process)
  • Accounts Payable (Inputting, approving and generating bill payments)
  • Payroll
  • Reporting (cash menstruum, residue canvass, goals versus actuals, bad debts, P&L)
  • Financial Controls (reconciliations, compliance, fraud, and theft prevention)
  • Tax reporting and management
  • Yearly Audits

Contact utility companies and work to go the best deals for heat, electricity, water, and internet/phones.

Start-Up Task #64: Found Procurement and Inventory Systems

Yous are going to need all sorts of supplies including office, housekeeping, and first aid supplies. Yous might also sell snacks, nutrient, and beverages. Plus, your service providers will require supplies as well.

Determine who your vendors are going to be and then set up a procurement and/or inventory system to ensure reordering is easy and efficient.

Outset-Up Task #65: Develop Goals, Cardinal Performance Indicators, and Reporting Systems

The most successful businesses are driven by well-defined goals and central functioning indicators (KPI).

Here'southward the difference between a goal and a KPI:

  • A goal is a desired terminal outcome. It provides a focus and direction for what'due south important
  • A key functioning indicator is a specific metric used to evaluate functioning toward a goal

Goals are described equally SMART when they are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-specific

Key Performance Indicators are focused and goal-specific, easy to measure, report on, and assign to specific teams or individuals.

For case, selling 100 new memberships in a month is a goal, whereas a xl% closing ratio is a key operation indicator for a membership sales counselor. The closing ratio evaluates operation toward the goal. If an advisor isn't closing 40% of their leads, information technology may be hard to hitting the 100 membership goal.

Establish monthly goals that volition change based on the season besides as yearly goals that are the aggregating of your monthly goals.

KPIs will most probable stay the same throughout the year. For instance, if your membership closing KPI is forty%, y'all wait your membership sales advisor to close forty% of their leads regardless of fourth dimension of year and number of leads received.

Once y'all have defined your goals and KPIs, you need to track, written report, and communicate progress regularly with your team. Without steady communication, your team tin't know what's expected or whether they are performing fairly.

Practiced communication will create an environment in which your squad understands their priorities and works together to make the goals a reality.


Congratulations! You've made it through this article. That was no piece of cake job. You may take skipped around to various sections. That's okay.

This article is designed to be a resource that you revisit every bit you progress in your planning and accomplishments.

Although this is a comprehensive list, you lot'll notice there are additional tasks to undertake based on your unique business concern model.

There's a lot to launching a gym. If it seems overwhelming or you're looking for industry experts to help guide and support you as y'all travel down the beginning-upwards route, bank check out our team.

Y'all can call us directly at (508) 654-6244 or fill up out our form to schedule a time to talk. We'll answer your questions and work with you to make up one's mind how nosotros can help make your vision become a reality.

And finally, if you haven't already, grab our Startup Checklist by entering your name so email below.

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Source: https://www.healthclubconsultants.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-on-how-to-open-a-gym/

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