Upload Documents for a Renewal of Nj Lcsw?

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Questions #3 & 4 : These questions apply to the person who is completing and attesting to this renewal awarding.


Questions #two : Important Licensure Information: Please note that whatever person who represents himself or herself as a licensee and who practices as a sole proprietor on either a full-time or part-fourth dimension basis must non only be individually licensed by the Lath but must also exist registered every bit a firm with the Board.

Questions #iii : Standing Professional Instruction: As a condition for renewal other than initial renewal of an active license, Due north.J.S.A. 45:2B-68a requires 120 continuing professional education credits during the preceding triennial flow. Persons who are involved with the attest function in issuing an audit, review or compilation reports (see question #1 above), or are otherwise engaged in the practice of public accountancy (see question #two above), shall take at to the lowest degree 24 of the required credits in the areas of accounting and auditing. Documentation should be retained in example of Board audit.


Questions # one and # two : If you answered �no� to question #1 and �no� to question # 2, your firm is required to submit an annual request for exemption form pursuant to Northward.J.A.C. thirteen:29-5.3 (b).

Question # three : I recently had a Peer Review completed. What must I submit?
1-Board�s Compliance course,
2-Graded Peer Review Study,
three-Letter of Response (required for Neglect or Pass w/Deficiency),
4-Credence Letter from Sponsoring Organisation,)
v-Letter of Completion from Sponsoring Organization (required for Fail or Pass westward/Deficiency)

Question # iv : Which of the Peer Review forms must I submit?
1-The Affirmation for Exemption from Peer Review class is for those firms that do not whatever of the piece of work which requires a peer review to exist completed.
2-The Peer Review Enrollment course is for those firms that perform work that requires peer review merely have not been peer reviewed to date.
3-The Peer Review Compliance form is for those firms that crave peer review and have been peer reviewed in the past.

Questions #5, #6 and #7: : These questions apply to the resident manager of the house pursuant to Due north.J.S.A. 45:2B-54(b)(3).



Question #iii: Continuing Education Continuing Education: Pursuant to N.J.A.C.xiii:35-ix.20(c) the completion of 30 hours of standing education is required during the ii years preceding renewal. Retain proof of course completion in the event documentation of course omnipresence is requested by the Board for inspect purposes. Those individuals seeking renewal for the first time are exempt from the continuing education requirement and should answer �yep� to question number four.



Question #one : Standing Education: As a condition of renewal, Northward.J.A.C 13:27-4A.2(a), a licensee shall complete a minimum of 24 continuing didactics hours during the preceding biennial period. At to the lowest degree 16 continuing education hours per biennial renewal period shall be obtained from courses or programs inside the definition of health, safe and welfare programs, or courses as fix forth in N.J.A.C 13:27-iii.1 et seq. The remaining continuing pedagogy hours shall be in educational activities that are directly related to the practice of architecture. If you lot were initially licensed betwixt August one, 2019 and July 31, 2021, you are exempt from this requirement for this renewal period only. If you practical for an exemption and you received written notification from the Board that the exemption was approved, answer �yes� to this question. Documents should be retained in case of Board audit.


Questions #iii & #four : These questions utilise to the person who is completing and submitting this renewal awarding.



Question #five : It is at present required that all current licensees who are renewing their license every bit role of their biennial license renewal 13:44C-4.1(i), complete an online Jurisprudence Orientation (http://world wide web.state.nj.us/lps/ca2/aud/exam/).

Question #4 : Standing Educational activity: The police requires that in order to renew your license, you must obtain at to the lowest degree 20 standing education hours. If you were licensed between Nov one, 2013 and November ane, 2014, you are required to obtain all of the required standing education hours. If yous were licensed between November 1, 2014 and Apr 30, 2015, you are required to obtain at least x continuing education hours. If you were licensed afterward April 30, 2015, you are exempt from the continuing didactics requirement for this renewal period merely. If you are exempt from this requirement, delight reply �yes� to question number 5. You must retain the certificates for at least five years post-obit the renewal menstruation and then that they can be fabricated bachelor to the Audiology and Spoken language-Linguistic communication Pathology Advisory Committee when requested. The Committee will asking certificates of participation from a random sampling of licensees.

Athletic Trainers

Able-bodied TRAINERS

Question #3 : The police force requires that in lodge to renew your license, you must obtain at to the lowest degree 24 continuing didactics hours from February 1, 2019 � January 31, 2021, with 2 credits related to concussions and head injuries and 1 credit concerning prescriptions of opioid drugs including risks and signs of opioid abuse, habit and diversion. You must also certify that you have obtained a current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automatic external defibrillator (AED) from the Red Cross or American Heart Association or a substantially similar grade approved by the American Cherry-red Cross, The National Safety Council, Coyne Commencement Aid, Inc, the American Rubber and Health Institute or a Medic First Help International, Inc. If you were licensed betwixt Feb 1, 2020 and January 31, 2021, yous are required to obtain 12 continuing teaching credits with one credit in concussions and head injuries and one credit in prescription opioid drugs including risks and signs of opioid abuse, addition and diversion and the CPR and AED certification. Do non ship class documentation with this form. Yous must retain the certifications for at least 4 years and so that they can be fabricated available to the Athletic Trainers Advisory Committee upon asking. The Committee will request certificates of participation from a random sampling of licensees.



Mandatory Registration with the New Jersey Prescription Monitoring Program (NJPMP)

Delight be brash that on November vii, 2016, the Division of Consumer Affairs adopted Northward.J.A.C. 13:45A-35, effectuating changes to the rules governing the NJPMP. Included amidst these changes is a mandatory requirement, under certain circumstances, that a prescriber bear a NJPMP wait-up of patient(s) before issuing prescriptions for controlled dangerous substances.

In order to consummate your 2022 CDS Registration renewal, y'all will need to certify that you are or volition be registered with the NJPMP by no later than Feb 28, 2022. To register for admission to the NJPMP platform, please visit https://newjersey.pmpaware.internet.

Note: To view the NJPMP regulations and for a FAQ on registering with the NJPMP, please visit the Sectionalization of Consumer Affair�due south Dwelling Page at www.njconsumeraffairs.gov and click the �NJPMP� link nearly the top of the folio.

CDS Nurse Midwife

CDS Nurse Midwife

You must have a written joint protocol for any C.D.Southward. prescriptive do with a collaborating New Jersey physician in social club to renew your C.D.Southward. Registration.

CDS Physician Assistant

CDS Physician Assistant

Please be advised that on November 7, 2016, the Segmentation of Consumer Diplomacy adopted N.J.A.C. xiii:45A-35, effectuating changes to the rules governing the NJPMP. Included among these changes is a mandatory requirement, under certain circumstances, that a prescriber conduct a NJPMP wait-up of patient(southward) before issuing prescriptions for controlled dangerous substances.



Question #6 : Continuing Didactics: As a condition of renewal, licensees are required to obtain at least 30 approved continuing education credits for each biennial renewal menstruum. Please retain your documentation in case of a Lath inspect. You are exempt from the continuing education requirement if you lot are a new licensee who completed an accredited graduate chiropractic educational activity plan within 12 months of the commencement of the biennial registration menstruum. You are exempt from the continuing education requirement if y'all selected to identify your license on inactive status. You lot volition be required to provide the required 30 continuing education credits at the fourth dimension you utilize to reactivate your license from inactive to agile. The Lath will conduct a random audit of licensees at a after date.

Cosmetology and Hairstyling


Questions #i - #4: : These questions should be answered by the owner of this shop only.



Question #3: Standing Education requirement for license renewal: Lath of Marriage and Family Therapy Examiners Associate Marriage and Family Therapist 13:34-15.1.(a)
All licensed marriage and family unit therapists (LMFT) shall complete forty contact hours of standing education for license renewal. The licensed union and family therapist shall confirm on the renewal application that the licensee has completed the required standing professional didactics programs, courses, or articles every bit specified in this subchapter during the biennial period preceding the application for the renewal.

LMFT Continuing Educational activity Requirements for Renewal: All LMFT must have completed 40 contact hours of continuing education as specified beneath, except for those who were initially licensed on or after July ane, 2020:

At least v (5) of the forty contact hours required by N.J.A.C. xiii:34-15.2 (c) in ethical and legal standards related to the practice of marriage and family unit and;
At to the lowest degree three (3) of the 40 contact hours of continuing pedagogy as required by N.J.A.C. 13:34-15.2 (d) in the bailiwick of social and cultural competence and;
At least ane (1) of the 40 contact hours must in education programs or topics concerning prescription opioid drugs, including the risks and signs of opioid abuse, addiction, and diversion as required by N.J.A.C. 13:34-15.2(e).


Question #three: Continuing Education: Alcohol and Drug Counselors N.J.A.C. 13:34C-five.2 b) and c).13:34C-5.1 a) All licensed clinical booze and drug counselors shall complete 40 contact hours of standing education for license renewal. The licensed clinical alcohol and drug advisor shall confirm on the renewal application that the applicant has completed all continuing teaching requirements pursuant to this subchapter during the biennial catamenia preceding application for renewal. b) All certified alcohol and drug counselors shall consummate threescore contact hours of continuing education for certification renewal. The certified booze and drug counselor shall confirm on the renewal application that the bidder has completed all continuing education requirements pursuant to this subchapter during the biennial period preceding the awarding renewal. If your license or certification was issued inside the starting time year of the biennial menstruum, the applicant shall consummate xx required contact hours of continuing education for the first renewal period; If the bidder initially obtains a license or certificate within the 2nd twelvemonth of the biennial menstruation, the applicant shall be exempt from completing continuing pedagogy requirements for the first renewal catamenia. All licensee and certificate holders must consummate: At to the lowest degree six (6) of the twoscore contact hours required by Due north.J.A.C. xiii:34C-five.one in legal standards and; At least three (three) of the twoscore contact hours of continuing didactics as required by N.J.A.C. 13:34C-1.one in the subject area of social and cultural competence: https://world wide web.njconsumeraffairs.gov/regulations/Chapter-34C-Alcohol-and-Drug-Counselors.pdf DO NOT Send CE CERTIFICATES UNLESS REQUESTED.



Question #3: Continuing Didactics: Continuing education (CE) is required pursuant to N.J.A.C. thirteen: 34C 5.1 though 5.6. Go to http://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/laws/adcregs.pdf to see the regulations. Exercise Non Ship CE CERTIFICATES UNLESS REQUESTED.

Professional COUNSELOR

Question four Continuing education is required for licensed professional counselors pursuant to Due north.J.A.C. 13:34-15.ane through 15.7, for licensed acquaintance counselors pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:34-15.i(b) through 15.7 and for licensed rehabilitation counselors pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:34-24.1 through 24.6. ( Run across www.nj.gov/oag/ca/laws/pcregs.pdf ) ( See www.nj.gov/oag/ca/laws/pcregs.pdf ).

Court Reporting


Question #1: Continue Education: New Jersey Certified Court Reporters are required to complete 15 credits of continuing educational activity hours during the preceding biennial period. Certified Court Reporters who are in the initial period of certification are exempt from the continuing education requirements. If you are exempt, please answer �yes� to question # 1. However, you should retain your course documentation for five years. The Lath will audit a random sample of certificate holders.



Question #three : Standing Pedagogy: As a status of renewal, the Dental Practice Deed regulations requires completion of 40 hours of standing instruction. Licensees are required to maintain proofs for two full biennial renewal periods from the date of completion of the grade(s). The Board will request proof of participation from a representative sample of licensees. If you were initially licensed afterward November 1, 2015 or are a recent graduate, please consult Due north.J.A.C. 13:thirty-5.i (a) at http://www.country.nj.united states of america/lps/ca/laws/denregs.pdf for the number of credits required to exist completed in this biennial menses.


Question #iii: As a status of renewal, the regulations require 10 continuing education hours during each renewal flow. No more than v hours of continuing didactics in the ii-year period may be acquired through written or electronic distance learning or home study courses. The Lath will request proof of participation from a representative sample of licensees. Exercise not send documentation unless requested. Yous must retain proof of completion in your possession for 4 years. If you were initially licensed between January one, 2014 and December 31, 2016, y'all are required to complete v hours but.


Question #four : Continuing Education: Equally a condition of renewal, regulations require 20 continuing educational activity credits during every biennial renewal menstruum. Get to http://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/den/Pages/regulations.aspx for more information. The Board may request proof of participation from a representative sample of licensees. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. xiii:xxx-5.ii(b), if you lot graduated from an approved dental hygiene program during 2016, you lot demand to complete ten hours of continuing instruction credits. If you graduated from an approved dental hygiene program during 2017, you do not need to complete any continuing education for this renewal menstruum.


Question 1 : Continuing Educational activity: Every bit a condition of renewal, N.J.S.A. 45:5A-xiii.1 requires you to complete 34 credits of standing pedagogy. Of the 34 hours required, nine hours must exist based on the 2014 National Electrical Lawmaking and i hour must pertain to New Jersey laws, rules and regulations. Documentation should be retained in case of Lath audit. If you are exempt from the continuing education requirement, you accept already been notified well-nigh this exemption by the Board and should answer �yes� to this question.

Lift Escalator and Moving Walkways

Question ane:
In Accordance to regulations: 13:44M-2.4 Bond; ISSUANCE OF LICENSE
a) Once the Board has determined that an applicant is qualified for a licensure: A surety bail in the sum of $ 10,000 in favor of the State of New Jersey is required pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:14H-12; to hold a valid Elevator Mechanic License in the State of New Jersey. If not, the license volition become null and void.

Question two:
Standing Education: Equally a condition of renewal, N. J. A. C. 13:44M-4.one requires you to complete 8 credits hours of continuing education. Of the viii hours must be related to the installation, construction, alteration, maintenance, service, repair, or testing of elevators, escalators, and moving walkways, one hour for each hour of educational activity. Completed courses and programs shall be canonical by, or offered by providers approved past NEIEP; or NAEC. Successful completion of a high Chancy Structure (HHS) course related to the installation, construction, alteration, maintenance, service, repair, or testing of elevators, escalators, and moving walkways offered or approved by the New Bailiwick of jersey Department of Community Affairs. Documentation should be retained in case of Board audit.

Engineers & Land Surveyors

Professional ENGINEER

Question #1 : Continuing Education Continuing Education: Equally a condition of renewal for the 2020-2022 biennial renewal period, professional engineers are required to obtain at least twenty-four (24) continuing professional competency (CPC) credits, of which 2 (2) credits, but no more than than 8 credits shall be in professional do ethics, for licensed professional person engineers. Courses may take been taken between May 1, 2020 and April 30, 2022 to qualify. A new licensee, by way of test, shall have all requirements waived for the first biennial renewal menstruum in which the licensee obtained initial licensure. If you are exempt answer �yes� to question #3. A new licensee, past mode of comity, shall be responsible for one CPC credit for each calendar month since the New Bailiwick of jersey license was issued. A maximum of twelve (12) CPC credits may be carried over into a succeeding biennial renewal period. The Board may conduct, at a later appointment, an inspect of a random sampling of licensees.


Question 1 Continuing Instruction Standing Education: As a condition of renewal, professional land surveyors are required to obtain at least 24 CPC credits for each biennial renewal menses. A new licensee, by way of examination, shall accept all requirements waived for the first biennial renewal menses in which the licensee obtained initial licensure. If y'all are exempt answer �yes� to question #3. A new licensee, by way of comity, shall be responsible for one CPC credit for each month since the New Jersey license was issued. A maximum of 8 CPC credits may be carried over into a succeeding biennial renewal menses. Dual licensees are required to obtained at to the lowest degree 36 CPC credits. The Board may acquit, at a later engagement, an audit of a random sampling of licensees.


Question 1 Continuing Education (professional state surveyor and professional engineer), equally a condition of renewal for the 2020-2022 biennial menses, are required to obtain at to the lowest degree thirty-half-dozen (36) CPC credits of which 2 (2) credits, but no more than 8 credits shall exist in professional practice ethics, for licensed professional engineering and professional person land surveying. At least twelve (12) of the required thrity-half-dozen (36) CPC credits shall take been completed in professional person land surveying and at to the lowest degree twelve (12) CPC credits shall take been completed in professional engineering, of which two (2) CPC credits shall have been in professional do ethics. The remaining twelve (12) CPC credits may have been completed in either professional person engineering or professional person country surveying.

Question v Licensees are required to review and understand the statutes and regulations governing the practise of their profession. Delight click on the following link, world wide web.njconsumeraffairs.gov/pels/Pages/regulations.aspx to review the Board�s statutes and regulations, and certify as requested.

CERTIFICATE OF Authority (Engineer)

Question v This question refers to the corporate entity and whether the corporate entity has been charged or bedevilled of whatsoever crime or offense.

Question 6 This question refers to the corporate entity and whether the corporate entity has been disciplined past this or any other jurisdiction.

Genetic Counselor

Genetic Counselor

Question #ane: Continuing Education: Under 13:35-14.7(b), Genetic Counselors are required to obtain 40 continuing education hours with at least 1 in medical ethics. Additionally, under 13:35-14.7(c) a genetic advisor who is licensed in the second year of renewal is not required to consummate the standing instruction requirements from that biennial flow.

Hearing Aid Dispenser


Question #three: Every bit a condition of renewal, N.J.A.C. xiii:35-8.20(b) requires completion of 20 continuing education hours during each renewal period.  The Committee will asking proof of participation from a representative sample of licensees.  Do not transport documentation to the Board or Committee.  Licensees renewing for the showtime time are not required to complete standing education courses and should answer �yes� to this question.

Home Improvement Contractors

Home Improvement Contractors

Question #1: General Liability Policy: You must have a copy of your Certificate of Commercial General Liability Insurance on file with the Division. If your insurance is cancelled or not renewed at any fourth dimension during the renewal wheel, you must file a re-create of your new or replacement Certificate of Commercial Full general Liability Insurance with the Sectionalisation before the quondam policy lapses. Failure to exercise so may outcome in action being taken against your registration. Upload a copy of your Certificate of Commercial Full general Liability Insuranceon the Attach Documents section of this renewal..

Questions #2-4: If you answered �yes� we will contact you by alphabetic character for farther data.

Domicile Superlative Contractors

Question i-9: You must have a re-create of all required insurance on file with the Division. If any of your insurance is cancelled or not renewed at any time, you lot must file a copy of your new or replacement insurance with the Partitioning before the onetime insurance is cancelled or not renewed. Failure to do so may result in activeness being taken against your registration. Email a copy of all required insurance to Trina Smith at SmithT@dca.lps.state.nj.us.

Home Inspection Advisory Commission

Dwelling house INSPECTOR

Question #1: Continuing Education: Continuing Didactics: As a condition of renewal, N.J.S.A. 45:viii-78 and N.J.A.C 13:40-15.14 requires you to consummate 40 units of continuing education. Of the required 40 units, three units must be on report writing, iii units must be on ethics, and three units must be on the rules governing the practice of home inspection OR, first January half-dozen, 2020, 4 units on report writing and four units on ethics and the rules governing the practice of dwelling inspection in New Jersey. Any person receiving initial licensure every bit a home inspector in the 2nd twelvemonth of a biennial registration period shall consummate a minimum of twenty continuing education units earlier the end of the biennial registration period. For the 2021-2023 renewal menses just, a total of xl credits can exist obtained either near or in person with whatever variation of the required nine (9) credits or recently adopted mandatory eight (8) standing teaching credits. The Committee will conduct, at a later engagement, an audit of a random sampling of licensees .

Question #2: Insurance Requirement: As a condition of renewal and pursuant to Northward.J.A.C. 13:40-xv.8, licensed Abode Inspectors shall maintain an errors and omissions insurance policy in the minimum amount of $500,000 per occurrence and file proof of the policy with the Home Inspection Informational Committee. .

Question #3: Indicate if you have had continuous errors and omissions insurance coverage from the biennial licensing menses of May 1, 2019 through Apr 30, 2021 NOTE: If you were issued a dwelling house inspection license during this period, indicate if you have had continuous insurance coverage from the fourth dimension your license was issued until Apr 30, 2021 .


Master HVACR

Question #ane: Notice: All Licensed Main HVACR Contractors are exempt from the Standing Education (five) five hour requirement for this first biennial renewal of July one, 2016 to June 30, 2018, according to Northward.J.A.C thirteen:32A-4.1 License Renewal; Continuing Pedagogy Requirement. All Licensed Main HVACR Contractors must complete the (5) five hour requirement CE requirement for the following biennial renewal: July 1, 2018 to June xxx, 2020. This requirement must be met before the next renewal date of July 1, 2018. To assist Primary HVACR Contractors with meeting the (5) hour Standing Education requirement, the Lath will corroborate CE Sponsors and courses and post that information at the HVACR website, once available. For farther details regarding CE requirements and existing New Bailiwick of jersey HVACR Statutes and Regulations, consult the HVACR Lath website at: http://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/hvacr/Pages/default.aspx"

Question #2: Do not mail your surety bond to the Lath but maintain your bond in the event of an inspect. A bond is not required for inactive status.

Question #iii: In compliance with N.J.A.C.thirteen:32A-5.ii Bona Fide Representative; Reporting Responsibilities, a Chief HVACR Contractor seeking to human action as a bona fide representative shall register with the Board on a class provided past the Board. To register your status equally a Bona Fide representative, please access this form on line at http://world wide web.njconsumeraffairs.gov/hvacr/Pages/applications.aspx. This grade was not available at the fourth dimension of your initial license as a Master HVACR Contractor. Therefore, this grade must be completed by all Bona fide representatives at renewal and mailed to the Lath at the below address: HVACR Board, P.O. Box 47031, Newark, NJ 07101

Question #iv: If �Yep�, y u must have obtained a Document of General Liability insurance from an insurance company authorized and licensed to practise business in New Jersey in the amount of $500,000 for combined property damage and actual injury to or death of one or more persons in whatever i blow or occurrence or proof of self-insurance approved by the Section of Banking and Insurance, obtained past the licensee or the HVACR company or corporation; and A Federal Tax identification number for the HVACR business. Please, practice not mail these documents to the Lath Office; however maintain the Certificate of General Liability and Federal Tax identification information in your possession. Provide them but upon the asking of the Board.

Interior Designers


Question #one: As a status of renewal, Northward.J.A.C xiii:27-9.ten a licensee shall consummate a minimum of 12 continuing education hours during the preceding biennial period. At least 6 continuing education hours per biennial renewal period shall concern health, rubber and welfare issues related to interior pattern services. The remaining continuing teaching hours shall be in educational activities that are straight related to the interior design services. If you lot were initially licensed after July i, 2018 y'all are exempt from this requirement for this renewal period just. Beginning October 1, 2020, y'all must outset accumulating standing education credits. Documents should be retained in case of Committee audit.

Landscape Architecture


Question #1 : Continuing Education: Equally a condition of renewal, licensees are required to obtain at least 24 hours of approved continuing education for each biennial renewal period subsequent to licensure. A licensee shall not be required to obtain continuing teaching during the beginning biennial renewal menses in which the licensee obtained initial licensure. .

Document of Authorization

Question #ii : The landscape architect in responsible charge must submit a copy of the current Annual Study filed with the New Bailiwick of jersey Division of Revenue to the Board within xxx days. Failure to submit the Almanac Report may result in the suspension of your COA. You may likewise upload the Annual Written report on the Attach Documents page of this renewal. After Browsing to the file and hitting the Upload Document button, choose Annual Report every bit the Document Blazon.) .

Question #v & half-dozen : These questions employ to the person who is completing this renewal. This renewal must be completed by the resident licensee in responsible charge. The resident licensee in responsible charge must have an active New Jersey license. .

Massage and Bodywork Therapy

Massage and Bodywork Therapist

Question #2 : Continuing Education: Continuing educational activity is required for Massage & Bodywork Therapists pursuant to Due north.J.A.C. 13:37A-4.1. .

Master Plumbers


Question #one: Continuing Education: N.J.Due south.A. 45:14C-xviii.1 et seq . requires licensees to complete v hours of continuing education courses for each biennial renewal period prior to license renewal. A licensee applying for the offset biennial renewal is exempt from the standing education requirement and should answer �aye� to question #1. Retain proof of course completion in the effect that information technology is requested past the Board for audit purposes. .

Question #3: Surety Bond: Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:14C-26, a principal plumber shall not perform plumbing piece of work in the Country of New Bailiwick of jersey unless and until a $three,000 surety bond has been executed by a surety company. Retain proof of the bond in the event that it is requested past the Lath for audit purposes. No bond is required for a license placed in inactive condition.

Medical Examiners


Question #ane: : Fifth Amendment/Use of Controlled Dangerous Substances: Please exist aware that you have the right to elect non to reply question number two if you have reasonable crusade to believe that answering may expose y'all to the possibility of criminal prosecution. In that event, you may affirm the 5th Subpoena privilege against self-incrimination past answering yeah to question number 1. Whatsoever claim of 5th Amendment privilege must be made in good faith. You must fully answer to all other questions in this renewal process. Your application for licensure volition be processed even if yous merits the Fifth Subpoena privilege against self-incrimination. You lot should be aware, however, that you may later exist directed by the Attorney General to answer a question which yous accept refused to reply on the basis of the Fifth Subpoena, provided that the Attorney General first grants you lot immunity afforded past statutory constabulary pursuant to Northward.J.Due south.A. 45:1-20.

Question 2 : 5th Subpoena/Utilise of Controlled Dangerous Substances: Please be enlightened that y'all have the right to elect not to answer this question if yous have reasonable cause to believe that answering may expose you to the possibility of criminal prosecution. In that event, you may assert the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination by answering yeah to question number i. Any claim of Fifth Amendment privilege must be made in good religion. You must fully respond to all other questions in this renewal procedure. Your application for licensure will be processed even if yous claim the Fifth Subpoena privilege against self-incrimination. You should exist aware, however, that you may after exist directed past the Attorney Full general to reply a question which you have refused to answer on the ground of the Fifth Amendment, provided that the Attorney Full general beginning grants you immunity afforded by statutory law pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:1-20.

Standing Education : Pursuant to N.J.South.A. 45:nine-7.i, all licensed Physicians are required every bit a condition for biennial renewal to complete 100 credits of standing medical education courses. All credits must be in Category I or Category 2 as recognized by the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Podiatric Medical Clan, the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Pedagogy or other comparable organizations recognized by the Board. Forty of the 100 credits must exist in Category I. Newly licensed individuals who take completed an accredited graduate medical educational activity program within the 24 months prior to 7/i/xi are exempt from the CME requirement for this renewal. All licensees must complete a NJ Board Orientation course within 24 months of becoming licensed. If you are a new licensee and take completed or are scheduled to nourish a NJ State Lath Orientation course, respond "aye" to question #4. The Lath will conduct a random audit of licensees at a later appointment.


Question3: Pursuant to North.J.S.A. 45:nine-seven.1, all licensed Podiatrists are required as a condition for biennial renewal to complete 100 credits of continuing medical education courses. All credits must be in Category I or Category 2 equally recognized by the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Podiatric Medical Association, the Accreditation Council for Standing Medical Instruction or other comparable organizations recognized past the Board. Forty of the 100 credits must be in Category I. If this is your outset license renewal, and you completed an accredited graduate medical pedagogy program on xi/one/eleven or later, you are not required to have earned 100 CME credits this renewal. All licensees must complete a NJ Board Orientation course inside 24 months of becoming licensed. If you are a new licensee and accept completed or are scheduled to nourish a NJBME Orientation grade, answer �yes� to question 4. The Board will bear a random audit of licensees at a later date.

Question4: Reduced-fee licensees or Agile licensees: holders must complete required CME Courses and hold malpractice insurance if they maintain a practice. If you are currently in Reduced-fee condition and wish to render to Active status. Contact the board for instructions on reinstating your license to Agile status.

Mortuary Science


Question #1 : Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:36-iv.eight(c), whenever a manager�s services are terminated, the manager and the licensee in charge of the establishment shall notify the Board, in writing, within xxx days of the termination.

Question #3,four & v : These questions pertain to the total-time licensed manager.


Question #1 : Continuing Instruction: N.J.A.C. thirteen:36-10.3 (b) requires completion of ten credit hours of continuing pedagogy courses or seminars during the two years preceding renewal. Practice not post documentation with your renewal. Retain proof of course completion in the consequence it is required by the Board for audit purposes. If you were licensed between March 1, 2015 and February 28, 2017 the requirement is waived for this renewal flow only and should answer �yes� to question #1.

Question #2 : If the reply to question ii is �yes�, then contact the Board role to purchase duplicate licenses. A license must exist displayed in each of the facilities y'all manage.



Question #1: Continuing Education (CE): Active/Inactive/Paid-Inactive Pick Help File: You lot may choose to alter your R.N. or L.P.Northward. license to paid Inactive status, and pay the $65.00 inactive fee. Paid inactive status will allow you to receive a renewal observe, and mailings from the Lath. You lot may select unpaid inactive status and not pay a fee. Unpaid inactive status means you will non receive whatever mail from the Lath. For APNs and FN - CSAs be advised that paid inactive status applies only to your R.N. license. If you cull to exist placed in paid or unpaid inactive condition for your RN license, your APN and/or FN - CSA certification(s) volition automatically exist placed in inactive status. If you choose paid or unpaid inactive condition, you cannot practise nursing in the State of New Bailiwick of jersey.

Opthalmic Dispensers


Question #3: Standing Education: Equally a condition of renewal, N.J.A.C. 13:33 - six.1. requires completion of 12 continuing pedagogy credits during every biennial renewal period. Iii of these credits shall exist in the dispensing of contact lenses. The Board will request proof of participation from a representative sample of licensees. You must retain proof of completion in your possession for four years. Ophthalmic dispensers applying for their starting time biennial renewal are exempt from this mandatory continuing education requirement and should answer �yes� to question #3.



OM & OM Co-operative CERTIFICATE

Question #3: Standing Education:  Equally a condition of renewal, licensees are required to obtain at least l approved continuing education credits for each biennial renewal menstruum. Exercise not ship documentation showing completion of standing didactics courses with this renewal awarding. Please retain your documentation in case of a Board audit. You are exempt if initially licensed from May 1, 2020 to April thirty, 2021, and if licensed from May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2021, and then 25 credits are required. If you are exempt, you should answer �yeah� to this question. .

TPA & TPA BRANCH Certificate

Questions #1 and #2 pertain to the use of chemical substances and to medical weather condition. Please read the definitions carefully. Delight exist enlightened that you take the right to elect not to answer questions one and two if you lot have reasonable cause to believe that answering may expose you to the possibility of criminal prosecution. In that event, you may assert the 5th Amendment privilege against self-incrimination by answering yes to question number 3. Any merits of Fifth Amendment privilege must exist made in skilful organized religion. If you cull to assert the 5th Amendment, you must respond yep to question number 3 AND submit a written explanation direct to the Board at PO Box 45012, Newark, NJ 07101 .

You must fully respond to all other questions in this renewal procedure. Your application for licensure will be processed even if you claim the Fifth Subpoena privilege against self-incrimination. Y'all should be aware, however, that yous may after be directed past the Attorney General to answer a question which you have refused to reply on the footing of the Fifth Amendment, provided that the Attorney General beginning grants you lot amnesty afforded by statutory law pursuant to N.J.Due south.A. 45:1-20.

Definition of terms (questions 1 and ii):

�Medical Condition� includes any physiological, mental or psychological status, including pedophilia, exhibitionism or voyeurism, or any disorder such as, but not limited to, the diagnosis of orthopedic, visual, speech, and hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental retardation, emotional or mental illness, specific learning disabilities, HIV illness, tuberculosis, drug addiction and/or alcoholism.

�Chemic substances� are to be construed to include booze, drugs or medications, including those taken pursuant to a valid prescription for legitimate medical purposes and in accordance with the prescriber�due south direction, as well every bit those used illegally.

�Currently� does non hateful on the mean solar day of, or even in the weeks or months preceding the completion of this awarding. Rather, it means recently enough that the use of drugs may have an ongoing impact on ane�s functioning as a licensee, or inside the last two (2) years.

Question #four: Continuing Instruction:  As a condition of renewal, licensees are required to obtain at least fifty approved standing education credits for each biennial renewal period.  Exercise not transport documentation showing completion of continuing education courses.  Delight retain your documentation in instance of a Board audit.  You lot are exempt if initially licensed from May 1, 2012 to April 30, 2013, and if licensed from May 1, 2011 to April 30, 2013, and then 25 credits are required.  If yous are exempt, you should answer �yes� to this question .

Question #vii: Unpaid Inactive Status - Placing your license in inactive status means you cannot practise your profession in the Country of New Bailiwick of jersey . If you do non want to practice your profession, cull �INACTIVE� from the dropdown for Question 7. If yous desire to continue practicing your profession, choose �ACTIVE� from the dropdown for Question 7.

Orthotics & Prosthetics

Question #5 : Standing Education: Note that CE must be taken between 3/1/97 and ii/28/21 to be eligible for lath credit.



Question #4: Unpaid Inactive Status - Placing your license in inactive status ways you cannot practise your profession in the Country of New Jersey . If y'all practice non want to practise your profession, choose �inactive� from the dropdown for Question four. If you desire to go along practicing your profession, choose �active� from the dropdown for Question iv.


All Questions: Question #1: A facility is required to perform at least one role related to the filling of patient-specific-prescriptions in order to exist licensed as a "pharmacy" in New Jersey. Please contact the Board part at 973-504-6450 if you lot require additional information.

Questions #two - #6: Inaccurate responses by an agent of the allow holder and/or the Registered Pharmacist-in-Charge will not be accounted a defense. Question #three: Definitions of a change in ownership: If y'all are a sole proprietorship and there has been a modify in ownership, do not consummate this rene

wal application. If you are a partnership and in that location has been a change in the partnership, do not complete this renewal application. If you are a privately held corporation and any stock has been transferred, do not consummate this renewal awarding. Instead, contact the Board (973-504-6450) for instructions. Special note to corporations: A change in officers does non hateful a modify in ownership. Yous may consummate this renewal awarding. All the same, yous should notify the Lath in writing of the change in your officers.

Question #5: This question should be answered past the Registered Pharmacist-in-Charge or corporate officeholder who is completing and signing this renewal application, and this question applies to all private equity holders or officers, and all licensed pharmacists and registered pharmacy technicians.

Questions #6: Answer this question on behalf of all Registered Pharmacists. .

Question # 4: This question should be answered by the Registered Pharmacist-in-Charge or corporate officer who is completing and signing this renewal awarding, and this question applies to all individual disinterestedness holders or officers.

Question # five: Answer this question on behalf of all Registered Pharmacists.


Question #3: Standing Pedagogy: Pursuant to NJSA 45:14 �54 completion of 30 credits of continuing education is required during the two years preceding renewal. As stated in NJAC 13:39 Subchapter 3A, at least 10 of the continuing education credits shall exist obtained through didactic instruction and three credits shall be obtained in chemist's law. Do non ship credit documentation with this form. Retain proof of completion of standing education credits in the event it is required by the Lath for audit purposes. Pursuant to NJSA 45:14 � 54d(2), if you are renewing your registration for the first time, yous are exempt from continuing education requirements. You should answer �yes� to this question if yous are exempt.


Survey Question #8 Case: This pharmacy filled a total of fifty,000 patient-specific-prescriptions for human apply in 2019 (compounded and non-compounded medications).� Nigh 20,000 prescriptions were for compounded topical creams, and another 8,000 prescriptions were for compounded injectable medication. Therefore, the percentage of all compounded prescriptions for human utilize was 56 %.� ��Solution:� (((twenty,000 + viii,000) / 50,000) x 100 = 56 %).� The choice should be 55 %.

Survey Question #9 Example: This pharmacy filled a total of fifty,000 patient-specific-prescriptions for homo use in 2019 (compounded and non-compounded medications).� About xx,000 prescriptions were for compounded topical creams, and some other 8,000 prescriptions were for compounded injectable medication. The chemist's shop compounded 13,000 prescriptions for topical creams, and 6,500 prescriptions for sterile injectable medication that were shipped out of state. Therefore, the percent of all compounded patient-specific-prescriptions for human utilize that were shipped out of state was 39 %. Solution: (((13,000 + 6,500) / (50,000)) x 100 = 39%). The option should exist twoscore %.

Survey Question #10 Example: This chemist's shop filled a full of 50,000 patient-specific-prescriptions for homo use in 2019 (compounded and non-compounded medications).� About 20,000 prescriptions were for compounded topical creams, and some other 8,000 prescriptions were for compounded injectable medication. � Therefore, the percentage of all compounded patient-specific-prescriptions for human utilise that were for not-sterile products was� 40 %.��� Solution:� ((20,000/ (50,000)) 10 100 = 40 %).� The choice should be 40 %.

Survey Question #11 Example: This pharmacy filled a total of 50,000 patient-specific-prescriptions for human use in 2019 (compounded and non-compounded medications).� Near xx,000 prescriptions were for compounded topical creams, and some other 8,000 prescriptions were for compounded injectable medication. � Therefore, the percentage of all compounded patient-specific-prescriptions for human employ that were for sterile products was� 16 %.��� Solution:� ((8,000/ (50,000)) 10 100 = sixteen %).� The selection should be 15 %.

Survey Question #18 Example: This chemist's shop filled a full of 50,000 patient-specific-prescriptions for human use in 2019 (compounded and non-compounded medications).� About 20,000 prescriptions were for compounded topical creams, and some other 8,000 prescriptions were for compounded injectable medication. The pharmacy compounded 6,000 prescriptions for topical creams, and 4,500 prescriptions for sterile injectable medication that were shipped to patients in New Bailiwick of jersey. Therefore, the pct of all compounded patient-specific-prescriptions that were shipped to patients in New Jersey was 21 %. Solution: (((half-dozen,000 + 4,500) / (50,000)) ten 100 = 21%). The selection should exist 20 %.

Professional Planner

Professional person Planner

Question #1 : Immigration Status: Below is a listing of acceptable documents that can be used to establish your identity and clearing status.



Question #iv: Continuing Pedagogy: As a condition of renewal, regulations crave xxx standing educational activity credits during every biennial renewal period. The Board may request proof of completion of these credits. Do not send documentation with this form. Y'all must retain proof of completion in your possession for four years. If this is your initial biennial period of licensure you are exempt from these continuing didactics requirements. For farther data regarding continuing didactics, please consult N.J.A.C. 13:35-xiii.xvi.

Concrete Therapy


Question #4: Standing Education: As a condition of renewal, licensees are required to obtain at least thirty approved continuing education credits for each biennial renewal menstruum. The Delight retain your documentation in instance of a Board audit. You are exempt if initially licensed from Feb 1, 2017 to January 31, 2018, and if initially licensed from February i, 2016 to January 31, 2017, then 15 credits are required. If yous are exempt you should answer "yep" to this question.

Physician Assistants


Question #v: :  Licensees are required to obtain at least 50 Category 1 standing education credit hours in courses canonical past the American Medical Clan, the American Academy of Dr. Assistants, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Osteopathic Clan or the Accreditation Council on Standing Medical Education during every renewal period. Retain your documentation in the event of a Commission audit. If yous were initially licensed between September 1, 2011 and June 30, 2013, you lot are exempt from this requirement and should answer �yes� to this question.



Questions #1 & #ii : Continuing instruction:

 (a) Upon biennial licensure renewal, each licensed polysomnographic technologist shall adjure that he or she has completed courses of continuing education of the types and number of credits specified in (b), (c) and (d) below, and N.J.A.C. 13:44L-4.ii. Falsification of whatsoever data submitted on the renewal awarding may crave an advent earlier the Lath and may bailiwick a licensee to penalties and/or suspension or revocation of the licensure pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:1-21 through 45:i-25.

 (b) Each applicant for biennial license renewal every bit a licensed polysomnographic technologist shall exist required to obtain current certification in Basic Life Support for the Healthcare Provider from the American Center Clan or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation/Automated External Defibrillator (CPR/AED) for the Professional Rescuer from the American Red Cross.

 (c) Each applicant for biennial license renewal as a licensed polysomnographic technologist shall be required to complete, during the preceding biennial menstruum, except equally provided in (d) below, a minimum of 20 credits of continuing education related to the practise of polysomnography, with at least five of those credits being completed in each yr.

 (d) A licensed polysomnographic technologist who is initially licensed in the second yr of a biennial renewal catamenia shall be required to complete 10 credits of standing education.

Real Manor Appraisers


Question #1 : Standing Education: Every bit a condition of renewal, licensees are required to obtain at least 28 credit hours of canonical continuing education for each biennial renewal period subsequent to licensure/certification or 14 hours of standing instruction if initially licensed or certified in the first six months of the second year. If initially licensed or certified during the last 6 months of the 2nd year, no continuing education is required. If you are exempt from this requirement for this renewal period only, please answer �yeah� to this question. Credits may not exist carried over to another renewal period. You must retain documentation to verify all claimed continuing education credits for a period of non less than 4 years.

Question #2 : USPAP Grade: As a status of renewal, licensees must successfully complete the seven-hour National USPAP Update Form, or its equivalent, at a minimum of every 2 years. Equivalency shall be determined through the AQB Form Approval Plan or by an alternating method established by the AQB.

Respiratory Care


Question #4 : Continuing Education: As a condition of renewal, N.J.A.C. thirteen:44F-10.1 requires completion of thirty (30) continuing educational activity credits during this biennial renewal period. No more than v (five) credits taken between Apr 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014 may be carried over to meet the (30) continuing education requirement (for this biennial menses). The Lath will request proof of participation from a representative sample of licensees. You must retain proof of completion in your possession for four years. Respiratory Care Practitioners applying for their showtime biennial renewal are exempt from this mandatory continuing education requirement and should answer �yeah� to question #iv.

Social Piece of work Examiners


Question #three: Standing Teaching: An LCSW shall complete a minimum of forty credits of standing education, of which at to the lowest degree 20 of the 40 credits shall exist in courses or programs directly related to clinical practice; of the remaining 20 credits, v credits shall be related to ethics and 3 credits shall exist in the subject field of social and cultural competence. An LSW shall consummate a minimum of 30 credits of CE, including 3 credits in cultural competence, and five credits related to ethics. A CSW shall complete a minimum of twenty credits of CE, including three credits in cultural competence, and v credits related to ethics. CE credits that could exist allocated to clinical practice, ethics, or social and cultural competence shall simply exist counted once and shall non exist allocated for more than than 1 category.

Veterinarian Medical Examiners


Question #3 : Continuing Instruction : Standing Instruction:Continuing Educational activity is required pursuant to Northward.J.A.C. 13:44-four.x, and included the completion of 20 continuing pedagogy credits between July ane, 2019 and June 30, 2021. You should also be aware that recent regulatory changes require that a minimum of 17 of these credits be in the subjects of surgery, medicine and/or dentistry, and no more four of these credits may exist related solely to business direction. Likewise annotation that if you were initially licensed afterward July 1, 2020, you are only required to consummate x continuing education credits.


Source: https://newjersey.mylicense.com/eGov/INSTRUCTIONS%20FOR%20ANSWERING%20QUESTIONS.htm

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